Hi everyone!
This is Anastassia & Welcome to my first Spirit Guidances in celebration of this Empowering & Magical blog I started!
And today I AM guided to share the Divine messages from the Spirit world. There are will be a general message for everyone as well as 4 personal messages as your special soul guidance.
So please take a moment, breath deep and quite your mind. Make a choice by the feeling inside of your heart, which talisman most resonates with you!
The messages are coming from the oracle card deck of Fairies, by Doreen Virtue. I love Fairies for their light joyful energy they share with us!
choice #1 - PEACE bracelet
choice #2 - Gold Fish bracelet
choice #3 - Goddess Sun headband
choice #4 - JOY bracelet
#5 is a Big Heart from little beads and crystals, which is a message for everyone and it comes from the Angel oracle card deck, by Doreen Virtue as well.
If you don't know, Angels help us to stay positive, have faith, be confident, be protected and follow our Divine Service path!
And so the Divine message for everyone:
Angel Zanna!
"You are protected from all types of harm. The worst is now behind you. I ask you to relax and feel safe."
"No matter what has happened in your past your present and future are now safety protected by angels. I am helping you to heal from past upsets or trauma. I am helping to heal your heart of worry orfear. I am here to help you release any self-sabotaging thoughts or behaviour. I am here, in other words, to help you enjoy a renewed sense of safety, and peace of mind."
"The other angels and I stand guard around you, your home, your family, your vehicles, and your workplace. You can rest assured that no lower energies can permeate our protective field. We only allow the energy of love to enter. All expressions of fear are transmuted back to the field of illusions from whence the came. God and the Angels ask that you relax and enjoy yourself, for your happiness brings a smile to Heaven."
Choice # 1, PEACE bracelet.
Look Inside Yourself.
You've been trying to find satisfaction through outside sources such as material possessions or relationships. You are also looking for help from other people. The fairies ask you to look within for the answers you need.
Sometimes when you feel empty, your first reaction is to try and fill up the emptiness by acquiring something or someone. You may fall in the trap of thinking. I'll be happy if or when I have (a new lover, and advanced degree, a better wardrobe, etc.). Then when you get the new acquisition, you only feel satisfied for a little while. The fairies remind you that the only source of true fulfillment is by connecting with spirit within. Have a mental conversation with your Creator, and feel yourself filled with Divine Love.
The same holds true if your are searching for answers from outside authorities. Now there is nothing wrong with seeking counsel from wise friends, especially if their advice echoes what you know to be true, But perhaps you've been asking your friends, mentors for solutions, and you feel confused by conflicting advice. So. if everyone is telling you different solutions, you'll need to meditate on what your inner guidance is telling you.
Affirmation: I have great beauty and light inside of me right now. I tap in to all of the knowledge of the Universe!
Choice # 2: Gold Fish bracelet.
Be Honest with Yourself.
This card indicated that you are hiding your true feelings and aren't being forthright about an important topic. The fairies urge you to admit your true feelings to yourself.
Do you feel stuck? Depressed? Tired? Angry or irritable? these are symptoms that arise when we're dishonest with ourselves. Maybe you feel that you can't afford to be honest with yourself and that you don't have a choice. This card isn't asking you to make any radical life changes or have a confrontation with another person. However, it is urging you to admit your true feelings to yourself.
One easy way to get in touch with your true feelings is by going outside and engaging is a silent conversation with the fairies who live amidst the flowers, trees, and grass. Even if you can't yet see or hear the fairies, mentally tell them everything that you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing these days. Ask them to help you get in touch with your deepest feelings. The fairies love to hold a mirror up to us so that we can see and admit the truth.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love!
Choice # 3, Goddess Sun headband
New Location.
A change of venue is coming your way. Most like;y, you are moving to a new residence, but this card also means changing the location of your employment.
The fairies are very much in touch with geographical changes. The sense that your energy is drawing you to a new location. Perhaps you've been thinking about moving to a new home, and this card signifies that it's time to consider the change. Write a list of features you desire in your new home, and ask the fairies to help you find and acquire your new residence.
This card also mean that your place of employment is changing. You could be on the cusp of finding a new job. Or, your current employer may transfer you to a new location, trust that this a change for the better that will bring great improvements into your life.
Affirmation: I now live and work in a safe, comfortable, spacious environment, in a wonderful location!
Choice #4 - JOY bracelet
Your clairvoyance, your dreams, and the pictures in your mind's eye are becoming more clear and poerful. This card asks you to trust and to develop your visual skills, and to use them in conscious manifestation.
The fairies know the power of conscious visualization as a tool of manifestation. You are guided to sit quietly on a daily basis and to visualize yourself living a healthy, happy, abundant, and meaningful life. Try to feel the energy of what you desire and avoid picturing that which you do not desire.
You have powerful visual skills, even if you are unaware of them. You are getting more sensitive to, use it as your advantage, by learning how to use the energy and create magic. Affirm daily: " I am a highly visual person. Any blocks that you have about clairvoyance will begin to lift. Know that it is safe for you to see the future, the spirit world, and the truth about your life. By releasing any fears about "seeing", your visualization powers will be greatly magnified.
Afirmation: It is safe for me to see. I am very visual person.
I hope you enjoyed my todays guidance and the messages resonates with you!
Find and follow me "Divine Soul Art" on Facebook, Instagram, as well as I am working on Etsy online store coming soon!!!
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing my high vibrational jewellery - talismans and would like to receive your own personal Divine Guidance!
I wish you Peace, Love, Power, and Wisdom!