Welcome to my Magical Monday Spirit message!
My guidances are all about divine Love! So no wonder I chose romance angel card deck by Doreen Virtue and gentle angel Tarot cards as well. If you want to feel inspired and empowered my Divine Guidances are for you. So make your choice by picking either pink or green color, both representing Love and Heart Chakra.
So if you chosen Pink, your card is "Free Yourself", which means it's time to take back control of your life.
Like the unicorn in the image on this card, you may be feeling trapped. Perhaps you've relinquished control to someone else, or maybe you feel smothered in your career or relationship. As you tune in to yourself, you'll sense the specific areas where this message applies to you. You can even ask yourself, "In what ways do I feel limited or constrained?" Trust the answers you receive!
Romance Angels heard your call for great love. To experience passion, though, you must first allow yourself to feel deep emotions. In doing so, you may come up against areas of your life where you harbor discontent. Simply by acknowledging these areas, you bring light to the situation and allow room for the angels to help you.
As you commit to taking back control of your life, your feelings will naturally thaw and reawaken. This leads to a greater capacity to love yourself, your partner, and your experiences.
If you chosen card from Angel Tarot deck and green crystals colour, your message is from Archangel Raziel, the Hermit archetype from the Tarot. And it means: Spend time in a quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery.
This card signals that you'd benefit from spending tine alone, listening to your inner voice. Meditation is essential, as the path to enlightenment is an inner journey. Be silent and experience the joy tht comes from seeking the truth of your own heart. Learn to feel comfortable in your own company. After all, there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
This card also signifies spiritual teaching, so it can mean that you have wisdom to impart to others, or that perhaps, it's time for you to find a spiritual teacher. Sharing wisdom is part of your spiritual journey, especially right now.
Call Archangel Raziel to help you find the peace, joy and connect to your Soul in meditation and spending time alone.
I hope you resonate with the message I was guided to share.
I love how both of this messages tell us to Love and accept ourself more the way we are. To take control of our life to create beautiful and magical life. We are not thinking and dreaming anymore, we are creating what's in our dearest dreams here and now!
Here is a little homework for you! Write a list of things you like about yourself, keep writing all day, and read it over as much as possible! Because we concentrate too much on what is not good enough about us, by comparing yourself to others. I challenge you to see Divine Love everywhere! Lets enjoy every moment of our everyday Life! I working on my list today ;) Will you?
With Love,
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