Monday, October 6, 2014

Goddess Rhiannon

 The message for this week inspired by beautiful earrings I created, and the energy they emanate is the

Goddess Rhiannon

"This lunar Welsh Goddess's name means "Great Queen," as she serves important functions, including being the muse of inspiration for poets, artist, and royalty. A shape-shifter, Rhiannon can appear to you as an animal, bird, or song. Call upon her for the help with manifestations, spirit communication, transitions, or artistic inspiration."

In my jewellery - talismans I love to use natural stones, crystals, pearls for their healing qualities!

This gorgeous set includes:

2 Pyrite
2 Pearls
2 Labradorite
2 Blue/Green Quarts
6 Swarovski Crystals - Rose Gold & Green
Rose Gold Beads around sparkly Swarovski Crystals
The earrings are gold-filled and 2.5 inches long 

All of my talismans are charged with the positive intentions for the Highest Good of Everyone!

This earrings emanate the energy of Empowerment through your Soul connection. 
Develop your Inner voice/Intuition and use it in every day life to help you manifest your dreams into a reality!

Please contact me
If you are interested in purchasing any of my jewellery - talismans
Or would like to receive your own personal Divine message 

And for the Divine Guidance for this magical week from the Goddess Rhiannon
 please scroll down... :)



"You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality."

"A large part of my power stems from my connection to animals and nature. If you've been indoors too long. you can recapture your personal power by simply stepping outside. This simple motion will do you a world of good in reawakening your sleeping, magical, spiritual nature. Allow the light of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars to stir ancient memories that may be dormant. Recall the times of your magical abilities, and then out them to use immediately for the good of entire planet. Resume the mission that was once aborted through the misdeeds of the past-time leaders. Take up your spiritual arms and move with swift speed into the night, awakening one and all to the magic that is life itself. This is a mission that must be accomplished, and you are the one who can help us with it."

"Have absolute faith that your dream is manifested
Make a clear decision
Put your energy into manifesting your dreams
Know that you deserve to receive good
When you win, others win, too
Keep your thoughts focused on your desire and away from fear."

The message comes from the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

I hope you enjoyed the message and feeling inspired to act upon your dreams!

Love, Power, Wisdom


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