Friday, October 10, 2014

Magical Weekend Guidance

Hi everyone!

I was guided to share a Divine message for everyone. I hope it resonates with you and you will feel empowered and inspired to make your dreams come true!

For this Magical Friday and a Thanksgiving long weekend, I was guided to choose a message with the intention for it to be for everyone, and two cards fell out while I was shuffling it.
This weekend message comes from the Divine Guidance Guidebook oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish, so I hope you enjoy it!

The first card is "Intimacy"

"The Rose is a universal symbol if human love. This card has appeared because this is an important energy for you right now. There are two energy spirals moving into the center of the rose, which represents two people energetically coming together. If you are not in relationship, then this card shows a new relationship on the horizon. If you are in relationship, then this card is asking you to focus your energy there. Rekindle the romance and the passion - embrace the energy of Lover. Open to the intimacy and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner."

The second card is "Infinite Possibilities"

"Your daydreams are the creation of your deepest desires and wished. While they do hold guidance as to what you are wanting and needing on your path, they also carry a creative force for manifistation. The Universe is asking you to allow yourself to dream, to allow the idea that the impossible can be possible. Your greatest wishes in life are a big key to your path and the Universe is working with you right now to bring those dreams to fruition. The possibilities of what can be manifested are infinite."

What a beautiful and empowering message I am sharing today! And to me it means to stop procrastinating, feel confident and powerful and achieving my deepest true desires in the Now step by step!

By opening our Hearts to receive and give the highest energy of all, which is Love, we live in balance and we feel the real success in a life. It is a true Freedom when you choose to live by aligning with your Soul in every Now moment. When you are connected to your Soul, it brings Joy into your Life and I love how the second card confirms it! You stop resisting and start flowing.
Everything is possible and it is time to start manifesting our true desired life here and Now!  Believe in yourself, be confident and ready to receive the magical Miracles into your Life!

Decide what does it truly makes you a happy person and act step by step, watching how's wonderful possibilities unfolding in front of you!

I hope you feel empowered to manifest your True Soul desires! Have a Happy Weekend and notice Divine Magic and Love everywhere you go!

with Love,


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