Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Divine Messages New Moon and Eclipse

It is a very powerful time to make positive changes in your life again :) With the New Moon in Scorpio and coming up Eclipse, time to replace the old energy with the new and empty some room for the new magical adventures in our life. No more fear about the future, only excitement and faith for Divine goodness that is coming and waiting for us to receive it. Living in a present and not worrying about what future holds, just enjoying the now. As its all about the journey not the destination ;) Lets start living that new reality full of magical and unlimited Divine possibilities.

My two latest creations bracelets - talismans bring messages as well. Choose one of the bracelets for your Divine guidance. The first one is pink with the blue cross and the second choice is blue/green/purple bracelet. Feel the one that resonates with you the most practicing listening your intuition, your Heart, your Soul.

If you chose pink/blue Cross bracelet with lots of pearls, Swarovski crystals and a gold chain your card is Peace of Mind. The message comes from Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and brings the energy of PEACE.

"Make peacefulness your highest priority. Commit to take steps to ensure peace of mind, and take those steps without delay".

Your True self is already peaceful and if you'll make peace of mind your main focus, you'll inevitably feel a great sense of relief. " Steps that create peace of mind include being honest with yourself, living according to your inner guidance, being helpful and kind to others, practicing meditation or yoga, eating only healthful foods, avoiding toxins, maintaing healthy sleeping habits, avoiding negative people and media, surrendering your problems to God, communing with nature, simplifying your life, and saying no when you need to."

Affirmation: My mind is now peaceful, and I know that all of my needs are automatically taken care of. I can easily, assured that all is well.

This message came from Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

The second message comes from the Angel Therapy Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

if you chosen the bracelet, your card is Ascended Masters.

Powerful, loving, and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you.

It indicates that you have a strong connection with one or more ascended masters, who are helping you with the situation you are thinking about.

Ascended Masters are powerful teachers and healers who once walked the Earth. Many are associated with religion, such as Jesus, Quan Yin, the Saints, Mother Mary, Ganesh, and so forth. You don't have to be religious person to warrant an ascended masters attention. The only qualification is a sincere and pure desire to work with the deity for the betterment of humanity and the planet.

The first Ascended Master or Masters who enter your thoughts right now are the being who are helping you. These Masters love and honour you. They know of your talents and spiritual gifts, and they will help you.

I hope you resonate with the messages and feel inspired to follow your Soul guidances!
Wishing you lots of Love and Peace!



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