The message for the first part of 2015 year - January, February, March and April
Is Free yourself!
" It's time to take back control if your life.
Like the unicorn in the image on this card, you may be feeling trapped. Perhaps you've relinquished control to someone else, or maybe you feel smothered in your career or relationship. As you tune in to yourself, you will sense the specific areas where this message applies to you. You can even ask yourself , "in what ways do I feel limited or constrained?" Trust the answers you receive!
Angels heard your call for great love. To experience passion, though, you must first allow yourself to feel deep emotions. In doing so, you may come up against areas of your life where you harbor disconnect. Simply by acknowledging these areas , you bring light to the situation and allow room for the angels to help you. As you commit to taking back control of your life, your feelings will naturally thaw and reawaken. This leads to a greater capacity to love yourself, your partner, and your experiences."
For the second part of 2015 - May, June, July and August the message from Angels is about
Romantic Feelings:
"Your feelings are real and worth exploring.
The stirrings within your heart represent the song of romance calling to you. Follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you've met someone who made your heart leap, and you wondered whether to pursue him or her. The answer is yes. Take action by flirting, asking the person out on a date, or making your feelings known.
If you recently been longing for more romance in your life, than this card is a signal to take charge of making that happen. You can Romance yourself by, for example, treating yourself to a luxurious massage or pedicure, buying yourself presents or watching a romantic movie.
You can actively pursue and attract romance. First, affirm "I am romantically loved", the more you attract this condition within yourself and through a relationship."
And the last Romance Angel message for September, October, November and December is
New Love:
"A new person has stirred your romantic feelings.
Introduction of someone new into your love life. Perhaps you've recently met this person and your interest was piqued. This card validates that your connection was mutual and real. It is safe for you to explore it and the romance Angels will guide your actions accordingly.
You deserve love and you are lovable! "
I feel this year is a time for a miracle healing. Time is to start enjoying the life everyday again.
If you want to meet someone special this year, first be open to feelings, than stir romantic feelings into your life and it won't make you wait long until you receive the love of your life.
Don't be afraid to feel because it's time for a good feelings that makes our hearts sing and to create the life we wish to live in Love, Joy and Abundance! Soon enough, in fall we will harvest everything we wished at the begining of the year!
Happy 2015 Year ! I wish you all the best! May your positive wishes come true!!!
And So it is!!!
With love, Anastassia
Divine Soul Art
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Monday, December 29, 2014
Happy New 2015 Year!!!
Welcome to my Christmas & New 2014 Year Angel message update!
I chose Angel Therapy oracle cards by Doreen Virtue to bring the message from my latest Divine Creations.
And the first message is from the pink cats eye crystal and a purple swarovski heart talismans.
Base Chakra.
Choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career, and finances, as your words determine your outcome.
And the second message from the black tourmaline protection crystal with the blue swarovski talisman.
Singing and Dancing
Express yourself and awaken your psychic senses through the magical power of music and movement.
Listen to your heart and feel what's the expanded messages are for you.
I am wishing you a happy celebration of the New Year and your positive wishe to come true for the Highest Good of everyone concerned.
With Love,
Friday, December 5, 2014
True Love
My beautiful Creations connected to the Romance Angels and are bringing the message of True Love!
"This is the romance of a life time!
True and lasting love is here for you. If your question is about a specific person, then this is your validation of the relationship's Divine nature.
This individual has genuine love for you, and you both can overcome the issues that arise. This is especially the case if you can express your feelings theough atributes such as kindness, compassion, and courtesy toward each other. For instance, having honest conversations would be an expression of your true love- even if it involves discussing uncomfortable topics.
If you are currently seeking a relationship, the message offers you assurance that true love is on it's way. Keep the faith that wonderful relationship is destined to come to you and don't compromise with an unsuitable partner. It is essential that you treat yourself well by taking excellent care of yourself, for the foundation of a true love relationship is two people who cherish who they are.
I hope you enjoyed this inspiring guidance.
PS. Message from the Romance Angels Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Miracle Healing
Introducing my latest creations magical turtle bracelet and a tiger eye charm. They both have a healing energy through Divine Love.
The message they are bringing for you today is also a great confirmation of it. I chose a card from Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue.
The card is Miracle Healing.
Which means "expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."
Being confident means having full faith and trust in Gods working through you. Focus on Love and be grateful for everything you already have instead of the fear energy. Let all your worries go, trust in Divine power and expect miracles happen to you!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
December Energy Update
Happy December everyone!
I AM guided to share Spirit guidance for this Month of December.
I feel this month is all about Love and Magic.
First of all, because of the Holiday season coming up which is always lots of fun, family and friends gatherings and happy times. Secondly, because we are finishing this year by culminating everything we learned and getting ready to step into the new.
I also feel this month is all about new Love unions, for the single people who are looking for a relationship or those who just found each other. Let your heart sing with Joy and allow the romantic energy flow throu you without analyzing.
If you are already in a long term relationship, than this month will bring you more love for yourself, which will uplift everything around us.
This month we are more away from everyday life's stressful thoughts and notice more Magic everywhere. Honour those feelings as they will attract more positive people and situations in your life. it always starts within us so love and accept yourself unconditionally. Believe and trust that God is working through you. Follow the joy of your soul and expect miracles to happen. This December is a great example for us how to live and enjoy our lifes in a future year.
I hope you enjoy my monthly energy update and I wish everyone Happy December and Magical Holidays full of Divine Love!!!
Dream Bracelet Guidance
Dream Bracelet.
You have beautiful intentions of doing well in this world and having a lasting and positive effect on the planet. This was a part of the Divine plan you created for yourself before you came here. Those inner aspirations you feel and the daydreams associated with them are the whisperings of your Soul calling you to your purpose. This is all part of your journey. The time has come to take the steps necessary to set this dream in motion.
I love how the Spirit works and the message resonates perfectly with the Dream bracelet I made! Such a beautiful confirmation that your dream is coming true and you are exactly where you supposed to be. Beleive and trust that God is working thru you! And so it is!!!
I hope you enjoy the message which came from the "path of the Soul" destiny cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish.
With Love,
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Magic Talismans
Divine Guidance from my new Creations - Talismans:
Life is like a puzzle and we put the pieces together in a way that fits for us. Until now, your puzzle hasn't seemed to fit together in a way that has made sense. What seems out of harmon, will begin to feel balanced. Even though some things feel like they just won't work, shifts and adjustments are happening now. You will find that things will start to fall into place and that everything will fit together perfectly in your life. Message from the Divine Guidance oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish.
Like my Divine Soul Art page if you enjoy my beautiful creations and messages! Also contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of my magic talismans as well as getting your personal Soul Guidance!
With Love, Power, Wisdom!
With Love, Power, Wisdom!
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