Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New 2015 Year!!!

Welcome to my Christmas & New 2014 Year Angel message update!

I chose Angel Therapy oracle cards by Doreen Virtue to bring the message from my latest Divine Creations.

And the first message is from the pink cats eye crystal and a purple swarovski heart talismans.

Base Chakra.

Choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career, and finances, as your words determine your outcome.

And the second message from the black tourmaline protection crystal with the blue swarovski talisman.

Singing and Dancing

Express yourself and awaken your psychic senses through the magical power of music and movement.

Listen to your heart and feel what's the expanded messages are for you.

I am wishing you a happy celebration of the New Year and your positive wishe to come true for the Highest Good of everyone concerned.

With Love,


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