Friday, December 5, 2014

True Love

My beautiful Creations connected to the Romance Angels and are bringing the message of True Love!

"This is the romance of a life time!

True and lasting love is here for you. If your question is about a specific person, then this is your validation of the relationship's Divine nature.
This individual has genuine love for you, and you both can overcome the issues that arise. This is especially the case if you can express your feelings theough atributes such as kindness, compassion, and courtesy toward each other. For instance, having honest conversations would be an expression of your true love- even if it involves discussing uncomfortable topics.

If you are currently seeking a relationship, the message offers you assurance that true love is on it's way. Keep the faith that wonderful relationship is destined to come to you and don't compromise with  an unsuitable partner. It is essential that you treat yourself well by taking excellent care of yourself, for the foundation of a true love relationship is two people who cherish who they are.

I hope you enjoyed this inspiring guidance.



PS. Message from the Romance Angels Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

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