It is very important time right now to connect with the Earth to balance our energy, to let go the rest of the old that does not match our New Royal Reality!
The first one is Rainbow Dream Angel connected to Virgin Mary and bringing healing and protective energies of Love through feminine energy of Mother Mary.
My second one is the opposite masculine energy Black necklace which is Power and Action driven with the support from Spiritual World, connection to your Inner Royal Self, and complete Trust and Faith making your dreams come true from inside out.
Choose only one creation that resonates with you at this time to receive your personal Divine message of inspiration. I was guided to chose oracle deck Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid for this Magical Halloween message.
So if you chose the Angel than your message is The Camel Boy.
Small Steps, asking for help.
Your card number is 33 which comes as your Ally.
"The Camel Boy reminds you that asking for help will bring in the right people to ease the burden of your life. Perhaps a wise person appears to give you advice. Maybe you are moving and suddenly a couple of friends offer to give you a hand with your packing. Or you want information about someone and you just happen to run into his former partner, who give you the knowledge you need to make the decision you've been weighing.
No matter the issue, this is a sign that if you ask, you will receive what you need. Synchronicity is engaged when you request assistance. The Camel Boy never lets you down when you ask for help in lightening your load. Now is the time to do so - and to expect to get it.
If your choice was the Black necklace than your card number is 8 and the message is
The Dream Walker
Dreams, the collective good, illusions.
When the Dream walker is your Ally, dreams really can and do come true. Still, there are two kinds: those of the small Self and those of the Divine. Spirit has a dream for you that is your alone, and all you need to do is ask and it will unfold like Magic.
You also play an important and unique part in the Divine dreaming of the World. When you ask, :Is this the dream for me that serves the greater dream? the most beautiful vision for your life serves the highest good for others too. Just the act of asking will immediately provide the answer.
The Dream Walker is beside you to help you move effortlessly through the illusions, observing the waking dream of your life that results."
Wow! How beautifully balanced the message is! Magic!
Both of the messages saying the same thing! It is time to start living our own Magical reality to the fullest and to let go that old way of perceiving things that do not resonate with our Dream Life anymore!
All we need to do is Trust in ourselves without any fear the future may hold. Instead ask for help and align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of whats right for you.
Here is the meditation from Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue, which will help you with that.
"Lie down and meditate in the process normally thought of as daydreaming - that is allow your imagination to roam free. Instruct your mind, heart, and soul to show you a mental movie of you living your life at its healthiest and highest levels. Watch this movies, and notice how it makes you feel. Than say:
Archangel Michael, I ask that you help me arrange my life and daily activities so I am fully immersed and engaged in actions that reflect my Higher Self. Please help me to let go of any behaviours, habits, or actions that have engendered guilt or shame in the past; and replace them with actions I feel good about."
As you can see Angels send us a message to clear the room, so the New, more vibrant, happy Energy can coming to our life's to make them more excited, joyful and magical! You are fully supported by Divine Love, all you need is ask!
I hope you are having amazing Halloween and resonate with the message!