Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New 2015 Year!!!

Welcome to my Christmas & New 2014 Year Angel message update!

I chose Angel Therapy oracle cards by Doreen Virtue to bring the message from my latest Divine Creations.

And the first message is from the pink cats eye crystal and a purple swarovski heart talismans.

Base Chakra.

Choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career, and finances, as your words determine your outcome.

And the second message from the black tourmaline protection crystal with the blue swarovski talisman.

Singing and Dancing

Express yourself and awaken your psychic senses through the magical power of music and movement.

Listen to your heart and feel what's the expanded messages are for you.

I am wishing you a happy celebration of the New Year and your positive wishe to come true for the Highest Good of everyone concerned.

With Love,


Friday, December 5, 2014

True Love

My beautiful Creations connected to the Romance Angels and are bringing the message of True Love!

"This is the romance of a life time!

True and lasting love is here for you. If your question is about a specific person, then this is your validation of the relationship's Divine nature.
This individual has genuine love for you, and you both can overcome the issues that arise. This is especially the case if you can express your feelings theough atributes such as kindness, compassion, and courtesy toward each other. For instance, having honest conversations would be an expression of your true love- even if it involves discussing uncomfortable topics.

If you are currently seeking a relationship, the message offers you assurance that true love is on it's way. Keep the faith that wonderful relationship is destined to come to you and don't compromise with  an unsuitable partner. It is essential that you treat yourself well by taking excellent care of yourself, for the foundation of a true love relationship is two people who cherish who they are.

I hope you enjoyed this inspiring guidance.



PS. Message from the Romance Angels Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Miracle Healing

Introducing my latest creations magical turtle bracelet and a tiger eye charm. They both have a healing energy through Divine Love. 
The message they are bringing for you today is also a great confirmation of it. I chose a card from Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue. 

The card is Miracle Healing. 
Which means "expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."

Being confident means having full faith and trust in Gods working through you. Focus on Love and be grateful for everything you already have instead of the fear energy. Let all your worries go, trust in Divine power and expect miracles happen to you! 



Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December Energy Update

Happy December everyone!

I AM guided to share Spirit guidance for this Month of December.
I feel this month is all about Love and Magic.
First of all, because of the Holiday season coming up which is always lots of fun, family and friends gatherings and happy times. Secondly, because we are finishing this year by culminating everything we learned and getting ready to step into the new.

I also feel this month is all about new Love unions, for the single people who are looking for a relationship or those who just found each other. Let your heart sing with Joy and allow the romantic energy flow throu you without analyzing.

If you are already in a long term relationship, than this month will bring you more love for yourself, which will uplift everything around us.

This month we are more away from everyday life's stressful thoughts and  notice more Magic everywhere. Honour those feelings as they will attract more positive people and situations in your life. it always starts within us so love and accept yourself unconditionally. Believe and trust that God is working through you. Follow the joy of your soul and expect miracles to happen. This December is a great example for us how to live and enjoy our lifes in a future year.

I hope you enjoy my monthly energy update and I wish everyone Happy December and Magical Holidays full of Divine Love!!!



Dream Bracelet Guidance

Dream Bracelet.


You have beautiful intentions of doing well in this world and having a lasting and positive effect on the planet. This was a part of the Divine plan you created for yourself before you came here. Those inner aspirations you feel and the daydreams associated with them are the whisperings of your Soul calling you to your purpose. This is all part of your journey. The time has come to take the steps necessary to set this dream in motion.

I love how the Spirit works and the message resonates perfectly with the Dream bracelet I made! Such a beautiful confirmation that your dream is coming true and you are exactly where you supposed to be. Beleive and trust that God is working thru you! And so it is!!!

I hope you enjoy the message which came from the "path of  the Soul" destiny cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish.

With Love,


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Magic Talismans

Divine Guidance from my new Creations - Talismans: 
Life is like a puzzle and we put the pieces together in a way that fits for us. Until now, your puzzle hasn't seemed to fit together in a way that has made sense. What seems out of harmon, will begin to feel balanced. Even though some things feel like they just won't work, shifts and adjustments are happening now. You will find that things will start to fall into place and that everything will fit together perfectly in your life. Message from the Divine Guidance oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish.

Like my Divine Soul Art page if you enjoy my beautiful creations and messages! Also contact me if you are interested in purchasing any of my magic talismans as well as getting your personal Soul Guidance!

With Love, Power, Wisdom!


Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween Magical Message!

Hi Everyone :) & Welcome to my Halloween party Magical Guidance inspired by two of my recent Creations Rainbow Dream Angel and Powerful Faith & Trust Necklace!

It is very important time right now to connect with the Earth to balance our energy, to let go the rest of the old that does not match our New Royal Reality! 

The first one is Rainbow Dream Angel connected to Virgin Mary and bringing healing and protective energies of Love through feminine energy of Mother Mary.

My second one is the opposite masculine energy Black necklace which is Power and Action driven with the support from Spiritual World, connection to your Inner Royal Self, and complete Trust and Faith making your dreams come true from inside out.

Choose only one creation that resonates with you at this time to receive your personal Divine message of inspiration. I was guided to chose oracle deck Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid for this Magical Halloween message.

So if you chose the Angel than your message is The Camel Boy.

Small Steps, asking for help.

Your card number is 33 which comes as your Ally.

"The Camel Boy reminds you that asking for help will bring in the right people to ease the burden of your life. Perhaps a wise person appears to give you advice. Maybe you are moving and suddenly a couple of friends offer to give you a hand with your packing. Or you want information about someone and you just happen to run into his former partner, who give you the knowledge you need to make the decision you've been weighing.

No matter the issue, this is a sign that if you ask, you will receive what you need. Synchronicity is engaged when you request assistance. The Camel Boy never lets you down when you ask for help in lightening your load. Now is the time to do so - and to expect to get it.

If your choice was the Black necklace than your card number is 8 and the message is

The Dream Walker

Dreams, the collective good, illusions.

When the Dream walker is your Ally, dreams really can and do come true. Still, there are two kinds: those of the small Self and those of the Divine. Spirit has a dream for you that is your alone, and all you need to do is ask and it will unfold like Magic.

You also play an important and unique part in the Divine dreaming of the World. When you ask, :Is this the dream for me that serves the greater dream? the most beautiful vision for your life serves the highest good for others too. Just the act of asking will immediately provide the answer.

The Dream Walker is beside you to help you move effortlessly through the illusions, observing the waking dream of your life that results."

Wow! How beautifully balanced the message is! Magic!

Both of the messages saying the same thing! It is time to start living our own Magical reality to the fullest and to let go that old way of perceiving things that do not resonate with our Dream Life anymore!
All we need to do is Trust in ourselves without any fear the future may hold. Instead ask for help and align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of whats right for you.

Here is the meditation from Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue, which will help you with that.

"Lie down and meditate in the process normally thought of as daydreaming - that is allow your imagination to roam free. Instruct your mind, heart, and soul to show you a mental movie of you living your life at its healthiest and highest levels. Watch this movies, and notice how it makes you feel. Than say:

Archangel Michael, I ask that you help me arrange my life and daily activities so I am fully immersed and engaged in actions that reflect my Higher Self. Please help me to let go of any behaviours, habits, or actions that have engendered guilt or shame in the past; and replace them with actions I feel good about."

As you can see Angels send us a message to clear the room, so the New, more vibrant, happy Energy can coming to our life's to make them more excited, joyful and magical! You are fully supported by Divine Love, all you need is ask!

I hope you are having amazing Halloween and resonate with the message!



Saturday, October 25, 2014

Love Message & Romance Angels Necklace

Hi Everyone!

 I hope you are enjoying this weekend and spending some time relaxing because of this powerful energy time. The New Moon in Scorpio which is all about deep emotions and Solar Eclipse, which is the last one of this year and brings the completion of everything we worked for a year and putting it all together like a puzzle. Thats why it is very important to spent some time alone to organize and let go deep old emotions, clearing the space for new magical beginnings!

My latest Creation The Romance Angels Heart Necklace has the high vibrational energy and brings the energy of LOVE and Romance.

Who does not want more Romance in their life's ;) and we are creating it!


So the Divine message is a NEW LOVE!

"A new person has stirred your romantic feelings."

"The Romance Angels have sent you this card like Valentine greeting, signalling the introduction of someone new into your love life! Perhaps you've recently met this person and your interest was piqued. This message validates that your connection was mutual and real. It is safe for you to explore it, and the Romance Angels will guide or actions accordingly.

Of course, if you are already in a committed relationship, you'll want to consult your angels and perhaps a counsellor or other trusted person to get insight into your feelings. While running into the arms of a suitor may sound passionate, the reality of quilt over the affair will soon weigh heavily upon you. It's better to confront the issues within your present relationship that left your emotional doors open for someone else.

This can also mean that you'll soon meet a new person. In these cases, the Romance Angels are asking you to keep the faith that love is in your cards. You deserve love, and you are loveable! The angels guide you to be aware, as you never know when your partner will arrive.

I hope you enjoyed the message from the Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and take only what's resonates with you!

Have a happy weekend!

with Love, Wisdom & Power



Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Divine Messages New Moon and Eclipse

It is a very powerful time to make positive changes in your life again :) With the New Moon in Scorpio and coming up Eclipse, time to replace the old energy with the new and empty some room for the new magical adventures in our life. No more fear about the future, only excitement and faith for Divine goodness that is coming and waiting for us to receive it. Living in a present and not worrying about what future holds, just enjoying the now. As its all about the journey not the destination ;) Lets start living that new reality full of magical and unlimited Divine possibilities.

My two latest creations bracelets - talismans bring messages as well. Choose one of the bracelets for your Divine guidance. The first one is pink with the blue cross and the second choice is blue/green/purple bracelet. Feel the one that resonates with you the most practicing listening your intuition, your Heart, your Soul.

If you chose pink/blue Cross bracelet with lots of pearls, Swarovski crystals and a gold chain your card is Peace of Mind. The message comes from Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and brings the energy of PEACE.

"Make peacefulness your highest priority. Commit to take steps to ensure peace of mind, and take those steps without delay".

Your True self is already peaceful and if you'll make peace of mind your main focus, you'll inevitably feel a great sense of relief. " Steps that create peace of mind include being honest with yourself, living according to your inner guidance, being helpful and kind to others, practicing meditation or yoga, eating only healthful foods, avoiding toxins, maintaing healthy sleeping habits, avoiding negative people and media, surrendering your problems to God, communing with nature, simplifying your life, and saying no when you need to."

Affirmation: My mind is now peaceful, and I know that all of my needs are automatically taken care of. I can easily, assured that all is well.

This message came from Fairies oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

The second message comes from the Angel Therapy Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

if you chosen the bracelet, your card is Ascended Masters.

Powerful, loving, and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you.

It indicates that you have a strong connection with one or more ascended masters, who are helping you with the situation you are thinking about.

Ascended Masters are powerful teachers and healers who once walked the Earth. Many are associated with religion, such as Jesus, Quan Yin, the Saints, Mother Mary, Ganesh, and so forth. You don't have to be religious person to warrant an ascended masters attention. The only qualification is a sincere and pure desire to work with the deity for the betterment of humanity and the planet.

The first Ascended Master or Masters who enter your thoughts right now are the being who are helping you. These Masters love and honour you. They know of your talents and spiritual gifts, and they will help you.

I hope you resonate with the messages and feel inspired to follow your Soul guidances!
Wishing you lots of Love and Peace!



Friday, October 10, 2014

Magical Weekend Guidance

Hi everyone!

I was guided to share a Divine message for everyone. I hope it resonates with you and you will feel empowered and inspired to make your dreams come true!

For this Magical Friday and a Thanksgiving long weekend, I was guided to choose a message with the intention for it to be for everyone, and two cards fell out while I was shuffling it.
This weekend message comes from the Divine Guidance Guidebook oracle cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish, so I hope you enjoy it!

The first card is "Intimacy"

"The Rose is a universal symbol if human love. This card has appeared because this is an important energy for you right now. There are two energy spirals moving into the center of the rose, which represents two people energetically coming together. If you are not in relationship, then this card shows a new relationship on the horizon. If you are in relationship, then this card is asking you to focus your energy there. Rekindle the romance and the passion - embrace the energy of Lover. Open to the intimacy and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner."

The second card is "Infinite Possibilities"

"Your daydreams are the creation of your deepest desires and wished. While they do hold guidance as to what you are wanting and needing on your path, they also carry a creative force for manifistation. The Universe is asking you to allow yourself to dream, to allow the idea that the impossible can be possible. Your greatest wishes in life are a big key to your path and the Universe is working with you right now to bring those dreams to fruition. The possibilities of what can be manifested are infinite."

What a beautiful and empowering message I am sharing today! And to me it means to stop procrastinating, feel confident and powerful and achieving my deepest true desires in the Now step by step!

By opening our Hearts to receive and give the highest energy of all, which is Love, we live in balance and we feel the real success in a life. It is a true Freedom when you choose to live by aligning with your Soul in every Now moment. When you are connected to your Soul, it brings Joy into your Life and I love how the second card confirms it! You stop resisting and start flowing.
Everything is possible and it is time to start manifesting our true desired life here and Now!  Believe in yourself, be confident and ready to receive the magical Miracles into your Life!

Decide what does it truly makes you a happy person and act step by step, watching how's wonderful possibilities unfolding in front of you!

I hope you feel empowered to manifest your True Soul desires! Have a Happy Weekend and notice Divine Magic and Love everywhere you go!

with Love,


Monday, October 6, 2014

Goddess Rhiannon

 The message for this week inspired by beautiful earrings I created, and the energy they emanate is the

Goddess Rhiannon

"This lunar Welsh Goddess's name means "Great Queen," as she serves important functions, including being the muse of inspiration for poets, artist, and royalty. A shape-shifter, Rhiannon can appear to you as an animal, bird, or song. Call upon her for the help with manifestations, spirit communication, transitions, or artistic inspiration."

In my jewellery - talismans I love to use natural stones, crystals, pearls for their healing qualities!

This gorgeous set includes:

2 Pyrite
2 Pearls
2 Labradorite
2 Blue/Green Quarts
6 Swarovski Crystals - Rose Gold & Green
Rose Gold Beads around sparkly Swarovski Crystals
The earrings are gold-filled and 2.5 inches long 

All of my talismans are charged with the positive intentions for the Highest Good of Everyone!

This earrings emanate the energy of Empowerment through your Soul connection. 
Develop your Inner voice/Intuition and use it in every day life to help you manifest your dreams into a reality!

Please contact me
If you are interested in purchasing any of my jewellery - talismans
Or would like to receive your own personal Divine message 

And for the Divine Guidance for this magical week from the Goddess Rhiannon
 please scroll down... :)



"You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality."

"A large part of my power stems from my connection to animals and nature. If you've been indoors too long. you can recapture your personal power by simply stepping outside. This simple motion will do you a world of good in reawakening your sleeping, magical, spiritual nature. Allow the light of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars to stir ancient memories that may be dormant. Recall the times of your magical abilities, and then out them to use immediately for the good of entire planet. Resume the mission that was once aborted through the misdeeds of the past-time leaders. Take up your spiritual arms and move with swift speed into the night, awakening one and all to the magic that is life itself. This is a mission that must be accomplished, and you are the one who can help us with it."

"Have absolute faith that your dream is manifested
Make a clear decision
Put your energy into manifesting your dreams
Know that you deserve to receive good
When you win, others win, too
Keep your thoughts focused on your desire and away from fear."

The message comes from the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

I hope you enjoyed the message and feeling inspired to act upon your dreams!

Love, Power, Wisdom


Monday, September 29, 2014

Magical Monday Spirit Guidance

Welcome to my Magical Monday Spirit message! 

My guidances are all about divine Love! So no wonder I chose romance angel card deck by Doreen Virtue and gentle angel Tarot cards as well. If you want to feel inspired and empowered my Divine Guidances are for you. So make your choice by picking either pink or green color, both representing Love and Heart Chakra.

So if you chosen Pink, your card is "Free Yourself", which means it's time to take back control of your life.

Like the unicorn in the image on this card, you may be feeling trapped. Perhaps you've relinquished control to someone else, or maybe you feel smothered in your career or relationship. As you tune in to yourself, you'll sense the specific areas where this message applies to you. You can even ask yourself, "In what ways do I feel limited or constrained?" Trust the answers you receive!

Romance Angels heard your call for great love. To experience passion, though, you must first allow yourself to feel deep emotions. In doing so, you may come up against areas of your life where you harbor discontent. Simply by acknowledging these areas, you bring light to the situation and allow room for the angels to help you.

As you commit to taking back control of your life, your feelings will naturally thaw and reawaken. This leads to a greater capacity to love yourself, your partner, and your experiences.

If you chosen card from Angel Tarot deck and green crystals colour, your message is from Archangel Raziel, the Hermit archetype from the Tarot. And it means: Spend time in a quiet meditation. Spiritual teaching. Self-discovery.

This card signals that you'd benefit from spending tine alone, listening to your inner voice. Meditation is essential, as the path to enlightenment is an inner journey. Be silent and experience the joy tht comes from seeking the truth of your own heart. Learn to feel comfortable in your own company. After all, there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

This card also signifies spiritual teaching, so it can mean that you have wisdom to impart to others, or that perhaps, it's time for you to find a spiritual teacher. Sharing wisdom is part of your spiritual journey, especially right now.

Call Archangel Raziel to help you find the peace, joy and connect to your Soul in meditation and spending time alone.

I hope you resonate with the message I was guided to share.

I love how both of this messages tell us to Love and accept ourself more the way we are. To take control of our life to create beautiful and magical life. We are not thinking and dreaming anymore, we are creating what's in our dearest dreams here and now! 

Here is a little homework for you! Write a list of things you like about yourself, keep writing all day, and read it over as much as possible! Because we concentrate too much on what is not good enough about us, by comparing yourself to others. I challenge you to see Divine Love everywhere! Lets enjoy every moment of our everyday Life! I working on my list today ;) Will you?

With Love,
